Bathrooms can add value to your home and lifestyle. No longer are they viewed as simply a place to get clean. They’re now rooms where we form an emotional connection and place emphasis aesthetics and details.

In 2018, we’re moving away from crisp white bathrooms and opting for a more natural, authentic look that’s one of a kind. Materials and details will be of particular focus, as well a colour palette that responds to the natural environment and evokes a sense of calm.

Top bathroom trends we’ll be seeing in 2018

Raw materials

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Seville Project Stone – a European limestone in bathroom by Hecker Guthrie

Embracing the raw and authentic quality of natural materials will continue to be at the forefront of bathroom trends in 2018. The natural patinas and imperfections of these materials will be used to create honest and minimal spaces, but with texture and warmth. Handmade tiles textural irregularity, natural stone, timber and concrete will emerge as next year’s leading bathroom materials.

Storage, storage and storage

Designers will optimise bathroom storage to enhance the functionality of the space. Both hidden and exposed storage with a minimal appearance will be used to provide an illusion of greater space.

Open showers

One of the emerging bathroom trends we’ll be seeing in 2018 is the open shower as homeowners opt for a practical, yet pared-back aesthetic. A shower without borders is easier to clean and opens up the bathroom space. However, the trend of feature black metal window frames we saw in 2017 will likely to continue in those bathrooms with an Industrial / European feel.

One palette 

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Custom made bath in Eco Outdoor Fallow Granite by B.E architecture

Using mixed materials has been the trend for bathrooms over the last few years, however, slowly we’re seeing a shift in bathroom design focusing one considered palette. Creating that sanctuary feel, designers are opting to use one material or a monochromatic colour palette instead of several different finishes. This helps to unify the space and highlights the detail while evoking mood and a sense of drama.


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Seville Project Stone – European limestone in bathroom by Hecker Guthrie

Bathrooms are considered more of a retreat today than they are a place for hygiene. Feature baths of natural materials will play a big role in creating a space for wellness. Bringing the outside-in will also be a driving trend. In homes with a luxury to connect to nature, bathrooms will feature large expansive windows that can open to their own private outdoor space. Bringing greenery inside the bathrooms and using an earthy colour palette is the next best thing.

Quality fittings and fixtures

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Amber Road Design bathroom featuring Eco Outdoor Chalk Cotto Zellige tiles

Designers are pushing the boundaries of bathroom spaces by opting for quality, custom-made fittings and fixtures to be one of the main heroes of the space. Black and brass finishes will continue to thrive. Custom fightings, lights, baths and joinery are likely to become the norm as we move away from the off-the-shelf look.